marți, 25 ianuarie 2011

The Best Free PrestaShop Modules

PrestaShop is an attractive and user friendly ecommerce application, and you can customise it to your need with the help of free and premium modules. I’ve chosen 9 of my favourite (and free!) PrestaShop modules–these modules allow you to create product videos, install templates, use live chat on your site, accept payments, and much more!


Product videos are a great way to increase sales, but they can also be expensive to produce. With Treepodia, a free Prestashop module, you can turn all of your static product images into dynamic videos in under 24 hours. Plus, your product videos will automatically get distributed to major search engines and video sharing sites, which should help improve your store’s SEO and traffic.

Magic Zoom Plus

If you want your customers to feel confident about purchasing products from your online store, then you need to install Magic Zoom Plus, a free module for PrestaShop. This module enables your customers to view detailed images of the items in your store, and it comes with over 80 different features, including smooth zoom, opacity, and fade in/out.


We use Zopim on our site to chat with new and existing customers, and we think it’s a great way to communicate with people about the services we offer. If you have a PrestaShop store, then I strongly recommend installing LiveChat, a free module from Zopim that enables your site’s visitors to ask questions about the products you sell. This module is easy to install, and you and your customers will love it!

Template Installer

Updating your online store’s appearance and functionality is a great way to attract new customers, but it can also be a frustrating experience. However, if you use Template Installer, a free module for PrestaShop, you can easily install themes and modules. Template Installer’s simple interface guides you through each stage of the installation process, making it an ideal module for people with little technical experience.


If you don’t want to waste your time trying to distinguish spam from legitimate emails, then you need to install Captcha, a free module for PrestaShop. With Captcha, users are required to enter a series of characters before submitting a form on your site, which will help cut down on the amount of spam you receive.


When you run an online store, you end up answering a lot of the same questions time and time again. If you want to save you and your customers time, then you need to install F.A.Q., a free PrestaShop module that enables you create a list of Frequently Asked Questions. This module is easy to install and use, and it’s sure to benefit you and your customers!


PayPal is a fast and secure way to receive and send money online, making it a widely used payment processor. If you’d like to offer PayPal as a payment option for your customers, then you should check out the free PayPal module for PrestaShop. This module is fully compatible with PrestaShop, easy to install and configure, and offers multiple PayPal solutions for you to choose from!

M4 Corner ad

In order for your customers to take advantage of your promos, you need to make sure your special offers are displayed in a prominent place on your website. With M4 Corner ad, a free module for PrestaShop, you can display an ad on the upper corner of your website, so your customers are sure to take notice. This module’s admin area allows you to use your own image, add text to the image, enter the URL for the image, and choose to have the ad displayed on the left or the right site of your website.


If you want to add important information to your invoices, or you simply need to add a few phrases to prevent any confusion for your customers, then you need to install CustomInvoice. This free PrestaShop module enables you to easily add custom phrases to your company’s invoices, so you can provide your customers with the information they need!

Prestashop Black Time Theme Free Download

Prestashop Black Time Theme Free Download
Download here :

Add Google Maps to Your PrestaShop Contact

To add or embed Google Maps to your PrestaShop contact page, only one file needs to be edited and uploaded to your theme folder.

If you have a brick-and-mortar/physical business location, you’d want to add Google Maps to your site’s contact page. This will provide convenience to your potential customers. Also, putting a map and physical address will give more confidence to those who are considering to buy merchandise from you.

STEP 1 – Download

  1. Click here to download the zipped contact-form.tpl file.
  2. Unzip the contact-form.tpl file to any location on your computer.

STEP 2 – Editing

  1. Open the contact-form.tpl file with any text editor.
  2. Get your API key from Google — Go to, enter your domain and get the key (it’s a long line of seemingly random characters).
  3. Copy and paste the key to contact-form.tpl — replace the text YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your key (line 8).
  4. Get the exact latitude/longitude of your business location at and zoom in as close as possible to get the accurate position.
  5. Replace the (latitude,longitude) data (two locations — line 48 and 52).
  6. Change the business name/details (line 34).
  7. Save the file and upload to your theme folder: \themes\YOUR_THEME\contact-form.tpl — It’s recommended that you download and backup a copy first before overwriting.
  8. That’s it. Open your PrestaShop site’s contact page in any browser and see the result.

When you paste the Latitude and Longitude data, make sure you follow the order (Latitude, Longitude).

The file above is for PrestaShop 1.3 and PrestaShop 1.3.1. If you have any other older or newer version of PrestaShop, you can download the file, then copy the lines of code between and , then paste to your own contact-form.tpl file at about the same location.

Browser compatibility: Tested with Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE6, IE7 and IE8.

Free PrestaShop Theme Downloade Model 1

To download this theme, visit the free Prestashop theme download page at TemplateMonster and type an email address that you want the free template package to be delivered to (Prestashop theme live demo is also available). Feel free to use this template for your business, but you cannot resell it as a template. And of course your feedback about this first PrestaShop will be highly appreciated. If you have any, send it to and get a nice discount for the PrestaShop themes that are about to be launched. Additionally, you will be provided with a one-time 50% discount in case you write a review about this free PrestaShop theme on your website or blog.

Note! The Prestashop themes from TemplateMonster are about to be launched and you are welcome to subscribe for the launch notification to be the first to know about the big launch!

Download Free PrestaShop Mobile Theme (18,4 MB)

Social bookmarks with style free download for Prestashop.

Add a social bookmarks with mouse over animation.
The module can be transplanted to colums, header, footer, and product page

Download the module here

How To Upload Product Image PrestaShop

Step 1 : Login to Admin Area

Step 2 : Click Tab Catalog (top left side)

Step 3 : Click Category that you want to add Image

category How To Upload Product Image PrestaShop

Category For Image

Step 4 :Clik product name there no image

product name no image How To Upload Product Image PrestaShop

No Image

Step 5 : Click Tab Image

image How To Upload Product Image PrestaShop

Tab Image

Step 6 : Click Browse and Find Image Location

than click save

File Location1 How To Upload Product Image PrestaShop

File Location Image

Step 7 : Upload Success

image ready How To Upload Product Image PrestaShop

Image Success Upload

Remove Cart Button Prestashop Tutorial Video

Removing the Cart button in prestashop. Usefull for languages that make the cart button to large to be next to the Check out button


Congratulations to the Prestashop Development team & the rest of members here helping to resolve many bugs.

I have a few tips for people upgrading below
I realise that most of this may be in the WIKI but not everyone looks at this.



1) Download the latest Prestashop 1 Final here Lastest PrestaShop version
2) Create a new folder ie call this. “prestshop1”
3) upload the contents of the new v1 final zip to the folder above
5) upload from BK or move from current location both your theme directory & img directory.
if modifications have been made to any modules please move this in to the new location renaming the current folder to bk-img etc.
6) set your permissions recursively to all directories except CONFIG / TOOLS
7) set permissions to config 777 & /tools/smarty/compile (Not recursively)

Before running the updater you need to do the following
1) Upload your from your BK then CHMOD 777
2) you may nee to CHMOD 777 to logo.jpg located in your img directory unless this has already been done
3) Run the updater


PART 2 (Optional) – If you wish to use the same directory used on your last install follow these steps!
1) Rename the old directory to RC5 or what ever your previous version is so you don’t get them mixed up
2) Now rename Prestashop1 back to your previous directory

If you rename your new directory make sure your define the new directory here in
define(’PS_BASE_URI‘, ‘/prestashop1/’);

A note to the developers PS_BASE_URI needs to be automatically updated on install!

for those of you who after updating can’t login here’s the quick fix!

Request a password as this will generate a new password based on your new COOKIE_KEY

if you don’t receive an email with this new password you need to manually update COOKIE_KEY & COOKIE_IV with your old value from your previous backup you will find in your

PrestaThemes Tutorial Movie: Installing Themes to PrestaShop- video tutorial

How to install Prestashop- video tutorial

5 Things To Make a Successful E-commerce Website

Nowadays web designers and developers are looking for the best way to create a successful website for their clients, one that is going to look great, be easy to use and will have decent content to attract users. But in these difficult times there is little response from clients that would like to have a website that would knock the competition down few steps. Here are few things to remember while building a website that aspires to be a successful e-commerce platform for your clients.

1. Prioritize the client, not the turnover.

Here’s a very first, very tricky one, as the website we build should earn us money, right? Right, but the old sentence says that you will gain as much profit as the effort you will put into the motion. Most of us easily skips this part and focuses only on minimal costs and simplicity of the project, leaving the customer to his own self. That’s what is being done by companies that are offering design and development services as a part of other deals, knowing very little about User Interface Experience (UIX) and website marketing, as this is not their primary field of work.

Instead of pursuing the money try focusing on what is important to the user: flexibility, speed, navigation, solid information and time, because time is money. Invest more time and money into researching your customers, if you are an already established business you definitely know your clientele, but if you are about to start then researching the market will tell you what you and your prospective clients are looking for.

2. Focus on usability and user experience.

Try creating a very simple to navigate and usable layout where everything that is important to the customer (shopping cart, prices, registration and login buttons, contact information, etc.) will be visible and obvious. Don’t try to make checkout process painful by adding some more special offers in between as this will draw visitors away from the checkout and will result in no sale.

Remember, you can offer them whatever you want, but when they click this magic button called “checkout” you cannot disturb the customer. The only thing you can really do well is simplify the whole process by removing unnecessary stuff. For example, if your prospective client is using Google Checkout as a payment method and your system grabs feed from Google then don’t mess around with addresses as this will be fetched from Google via XML. Instead add option to change the address if they would like to send a gift somewhere else than their home address.

3. Brighten up your site.

Color harmonies are as important for the customer experience as your budget for your web designer. Too dark theme and some of the people visiting your site might basically go somewhere else just because they don’t like the atmosphere on your site. Remember that colors represent your business and nowadays sleek and bright colors are in demand. If you have an established color theme take a good look at it and decide whether you need an upgrade or not. Not sure? Choose blue as it’s universal!

4. Look for something catchy.

People from day one were looking for something interesting that they could keep an eye on. This should be your target, to give them a reminder of your site. Got a nice logo? Put it somewhere different than top-left corner. Maybe add a nice flourish to the main theme around the edges to spruce the design up.

5. Don’t exaggerate.

Like with everything you can overdose and create a monster, so watch out. Too many ads will quickly get rid of your customers leaving you with no sales. Too much graphics and the website loading times will fall. Too many keywords in the META section and your Google ranking may be affected. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to please everybody with your website, so once you’ve got it running and earning money for you keep an eye on Google Analytics as it’s one of the best ways to get to know your audience.

There is a lot more than those sole five points to talk about but all in all it comes to patience and smart thinking. Web design might be your best friend or your worst enemy – it all depends from which perspective you will look at it.

I wish you all good luck with your shops!

How to add products to PrestaShop

In this section you will learn how to add products to your PrestaShop.

First, we will show you how to create a new category of products for your shop. To do this, login to your admin area and go to the Catalog tab. Please press the "Add a new subcategory" button.

PrestaShop Add New Subcategory

On the next page you have to add the information for your category. Please note that if you have a multilanguage application, you should press on the language icon in order to add descriptions for all languages you have installed. Once you are ready, press the "Save" button and the category will be added.

PrestaShop Save Sample Category

Now you can add some products to the newly created category. Go to the Catalog page again and click on the "Sample category" link in the table of categories.

PrestaShop Sample Category

Click on "Add a new product" in order to add a product to the selected category. On the next page you should enter the details for your product - name, image, price, attributes, etc. Once ready, you can click on either "Save and stay" or the "Save and back to category" buttons depending on whether you are done entering information for the product. Once you save and enable it, the product will become available for your visitors to purchase.

PrestaShop Enable Product

Now you can add as many product categories and products to your e-shop as you wish.

luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Economia României, mai libera decât cea a Frantei


Economia României este libera în proportie de 64,7, ceea ce o plaseaza pe locul 63 din 183 de state în clasamentul celor mai libere economii din lume, potrivit concluziilor unui raport dat publicitatii miercuri de Heritage Foundation, o reputata organizatie de analiza economica din Washington, citata de Agerpres.

Potrivit Index of Economic Freedom pe 2011, scorul României s-a îmbunatatit cu 0,5 comparativ cu editia precedenta. Desi este depasita de tari precum Bulgaria, locul 60, Ungaria, locul 51, Slovacia, locul 37, si Cehia, locul 28, România se situeaza totusi în fata Frantei, locul 64, Slovenia, locul 66, Turcia, locul 67, Polonia, locul 68, si Portugalia, locul 69. Astfel, România se claseaza pe locul 27 din cele 43 de state din regiunea Europei, iar scorul sau total este mai mare decât media globala.

Si în acest an Hong Kong se situeaza pe prima pozitie, pentru al 17-lea an consecutiv, cu un scor de 89,7, mult peste media globala de 59,7. Urmeaza în ordine, Singapore, Australia, Noua Zeelanda, Elvetia, Canada, Irlanda, Danemarca, SUA si Bahrein. Pe ultimele locuri ale clasamentului se situeaza Coreea de Nord, locul 179, cu un scor de 1,0, în timp ce Afganistanul, Irakul, Liechtenstein si Sudanul nu au primit un calificativ.

La elaborarea acestui clasament, Heritage Foundation a luat în calcul o lista de 10 criterii precum interventia statului în economie, dreptul de proprietate, politica fiscala, gradul de coruptie, libertatea muncii.

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

Oboseala cronica acuta

Sindromul de oboseala cronica are cauze diverse si este diagnosticat in functie de cel putin 4 simptome dintre cele catalogate de medici (oboseala extrema, dificultati de concentrare, pierderi de memorie, dureri musculare, articulare si cefalee, ganglioni usor mariti, somn neodihnitor). Oboseala cronica poate fi stabilita doar de medic, dupa un control amanuntit, mai ales ca boala are manifestari specifice de la un pacient la altul. Dupa un tratament personalizat, stabilit de medicul curant, este important ca sa se aplice ulterior un tratament de intretinere, pentru atenuarea efectelor oboselii cronice.

Tonus slab
Un tonus slab (hipotonie) la nivelul musculaturii este o manifestare a diferitelor boli si tulburari ale nervului motor din creier care controleaza forta musculara. Tonusul slab se recunoaste usor inca din copilarie, dar diagnosticarea poate fi adesea dificila. Efectele pe termen lung se concretizeaza in slabiciune musculara. Tratamentul, in cele mai multe dintre cazuri, se face prin terapie fizica sau ocupationala, sub recomandarea medicului. O persoana cu tonus slab are nevoie de supraveghere adecvata si solutii de tratament pe termen lung.

Imbatranirea pielii
Colagenul si elastina sunt cele doua componente importante care se gasesc in structura dermei si care duc la imbatranirea pielii odata cu trecerea anilor. Oxidarea poate provoca pete de imbatranire a pielii. Totodata, razele ultraviolete imbatranesc derma, iar alte cauze pot fi: alimentatie deficitara, deshidratare, factori ereditari, poluarea, umiditatea scazuta, modul in care va ingrijiti pielea zilnic si chiar stresul de zi cu zi. Exista remedii la indemana pentru a reda pielii din elasticitate si pentru a preintampina imbatranirea. Consultarea unui specialist permite gasirea unui tratament personalizat, in functie de tipul de piele.

Miros neplacut
Mirosul neplacut al corpului poate fi o consecinta a igienei deficitarea, dar si a unor boli digestive, afectiuni ale ficatului, diabet sau infectii. Mirosul neplacut se mai poate manifesta din cauza unei intense activitati bacteriale a glandelor sudoripare sau a unui deficit de minerale. Exista persoana care prezinta miros neplacut din cauza unui dezechilibru care afecteaza bacteriile din sistemul digestiv. In functie de cauzele depistate si partile organismului unde apare mirosul, tratamentele pot fi diverse. Consultul la un medic specialist este necesar, mai ales cand mirosul neplacut va afecteaza viata sociala.

Dureri musculare
Durerile musculare sunt frecvente si implica adesea si disconfort la nivelul ligamentelor, al oaselor, tendoanelor sau chiar la nivelul organelor interne. Cauzele unor dureri musculare pot fi diverse, de la suprasolicitare fizica a zonei dureroase pana la boli precum lupus sau fibromialgia (inflamarea muschilor). Durerile musculare pot aparea si ca efect secundar al unor medicamente. In conditiile in care durerile musculare persista, chiar daca s-a evitat efortul, un control medical este necesar. Organismul reactioneaza divers, iar asemenea dureri pot ascunde boli grave.

Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

Diminuarea memoriei
Diminuarea memoriei poate fi un efect al diverselor boli cardiovasculare - reducerea aportului de sange la creier, boli degenerative (Parkinson, Alzheimer) sau aspecte emotionale care duc la spasme ale vaselor de sange cerebrale si scaderea irigarii cu sange a creierului. O alta cauza de diminuarea memoriei este deficienta de vitaminele B6 si B1. Mai mult, deficitul de magneziu poate conduce la slabirea memoriei. Medicul va poate prescrie, in acest caz, o cura cu vitamine apartinand grupului B, iar ameliorarile vor fi vizibile. Stresul cauzat de zgomote excesive este un alt element care sta la baza diminuarii memoriei.

Daca intampinati una dintre aceste probleme contactati-ne :

luni, 17 ianuarie 2011

Portretul robot al unui parior de succes

Portretul robot al unui parior de succes la pariuri sportive :
1. Se specializeaza pe un anumit sport sau cel mult 2.
2. Se specializeaza pe un anumit campionat sau cel mult 3 (sau asupra unui numar de echipe pe care le urmareste constant).
3. Are conturi la mai multe agentii si cauta cea mai buna cota pentru ce vrea el sa parieze.
4. Isi propune un obiectiv, un punct terminus dupa care isi retrage o parte din castig, isi propune urmatorul obiectiv s.a.m.d. deoarece stie ca banii care apar in dreapta sus sub username sunt ai lui doar cand ii are in mana.
5. Studiaza meciurile, se informeaza din cat mai multe surse, obligatoriu diferite dar nu se lasa influentat de nimeni.
6. Nu preia biletul zilei facut de altcineva pentru el.
6. Are rabdare sa-i apara ceva in catare chiar daca nu pariaza o perioada lunga de timp.
7. Nu pariaza pe tampenii care nu pot fi prezise nici de cei care participa direct la respectivul eveniment.
8. Intodeauna isi apreciaza sansele inainte si pariaza in consecinta. Stie ca nu exista eveniment 100% sigur.
9. Nu pariaza pe favoriti decat ocazional deoarece stie ca rareori va primi un pret corect. Deci nu include in biletul zilei personal meciuri cu favoriti.
10. Nu pariaza decat pe meciuri cu miza deoarece stie ca meciurile fara miza sunt o loterie.
11. Nu se sperie de cotele mari puse de bookies. Pentru el cotele sunt doar niste coeficienti cu care isi inmulteste miza sa calculeze posibilul castig.
12. Pariaza dupa ca are la indemana si informatii de ultima ora si pariaza numai dupa ce este convins ca nici una din datele problemei nu se poate schimba.
13. In nici un caz nu neglijeaza feeling-ul.Nu pariaza daca simte cea mai mica indoiala deoarece experienta acumulata ii permite ‘sa simta’ pericolul, dar nici nu pariaza numai ‘cu sufletul’ mai ales cand sunt implicate echipele preferate.
14. Are puterea sa nu se arunce in prapastie o data cu ‘turma’ si se mai gandeste odata inainte de a paria.
15. Nu pariaza castigul proaspat obtinut gandindu-se ca oricum nu sunt banii lui.
16. Nu pariaza mai mult imediat dupa un mare esec deoarece stie ca poate intra intr-o spirala spre dezastru. Este de principiul ?supravietuieste astazi ca sa poti lupta maine?
17. Inainte de a paria se gandeste cum se va simti fara miza pe care are de gand s-o parieze si daca se va simti bine pariaza daca ii vine cu lesin scade miza.
18. Foloseste un sistem de moneymanagement potrivit buzunarului lui.
19. Se hotaraste care sunt cotele “corecte” pentru acel meci si apoi alege cota care ofera valoare, sau, daca nu o gaseste, spune “pas”.
20. Nu pariaza niciodata presat de timp, aloca timp suficient studiului si pariurilor deoarece poate considera pariul un al doilea job, pe care il face din placere.
21. Biletul zilei este pregatit cu cel putin 2-3 zile inainte pentru a-si asigura timp de documentare si a-si maximiza sansele de castig combinat.

miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011

Pensiunea Arena ****- Cazare cluj

Pensiunea Arena este situata în Cluj-Napoca, într-o zona centrala, dar, în acelasi timp, ferita de traficul intens al orasului, si în proximitatea Parcului Central. Aceste lucruri o fac locul ideal atât pentru servicii de cazare cluj cât si pentru cele de restaurant.

Fara a avea pretentia de produs exclusivist, pensiunea Arena ofera un lux accesibil, un mediu functional într-un decor impecabil, clasic si modern totodata. Un lux înteles în alt fel decât pâna acum, mai accesibil, mai firesc. Clientul nostru nu plateste în plus pentru conditiile impecabile, deoarece acestea reprezinta un cadru de la sine înteles.

Arena reprezinta o reinterpretare moderna a clasicului si a elementelor antice grecesti, care îsi regasesc expresivitatea într-o forma adesea futurista. Totusi, efectul nu este deloc cel de muzeu, ci, mai degraba, de spatiu ultramodern, în care un ochi atent identifica urme ale trecutului, acest edificiu fiind atestat in anul 1900 si renovat în 2010.

Un spatiu creat cu inteligenta, prin valorificarea oricarui element de decor. Pe scurt, un refugiu, un loc intim în care clientul poate evada, paradoxal, chiar în mijlocul orasului, un loc care se poate reinterpreta în functie de nevoie: relaxare sau, din contra, atmosfera de office.

luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

Bocconcini de iepure-mancare specific italiana


Timp de preparare: 30 min.

Durata prepararii: 30 min Marinare : 24 h Portii: 4-6 persoane

Ingrediente: un iepure de casade 1,5 kg dezosat, o portocala, 10 frunze salvie, 3 linguride ulei de masline, sare si piper.

Ingrediente pentru sos: 6 hasme, 3 linguri de ulei de masline, 30 g unt, o lingura de capere in otet, 2 linguri de masline, o lingura de concentrat de vitel, 100 ml de vin alb, otet de Xerex.

Ingrediente mamaliga: 250 g malai, 3 tablete supa de pasare, 100 ml ulei de masline, 50 g unt si 2 lingurite de sare fina.

Mod de preparare: In ajun , taiati carnea de iepure in bucatele mici. Puneti-le intr-un castron cu salvia, uleiul, coaja si zeama de portocala. Sarati, piparati, acoperiti cu hartie si lasati sa se macereze 24 ore, la rece.

A doua zi, curatati si taiati fin hasmele, apoi rumeniti-le in uleiul cu unt. Adaugati caperele, maslinele, concentratul de vitel, vinul, putin otet de Xerex si 100 ml de apa.

Pregatiti mamaliga: puneti 1 l de apa la fiert si, cand da in clocot, adaugati tabletele, uleiul, untul si sarea, turnati malaiul in ploaie, lasati sa fiarba 10 minute, amestecand continuu.

Scurgeti bucatelele de iepure si perpeliti-le la foc iute 5-10 minute; in interior, carnea trebuie sa ramana usor rozalie. Serviti mamaliga cu carnea de iepure, acoperite cu sosul de capere.

La final puteti bate 100 ml de smantana lichida cu putina nucsoara, punand apoi o lingura pe carnea de iepure.

Aceasta reteta este specifica Italiei si este destul de rara. Sper sa va faca placere sa o gatiti si serviti si sa ne spuneti si noua cum a fost!
Promitem sa mai aducem specialitati din mancarurile italiene.

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011

Online Branding Monitor

Venim in intampinarea dumneavoastra cu un serviciu UNIC in Romania!

Cu totii suntem constienti de ceea ce inseamna Google, in desfasurarea afacerilor noastre. Cu totii ne dorim ca motorul de cautare Google, sa ne placa si sa ne plaseze pe primele pozitii de cautare organica pe cuvintele alese de noi. Aceasta situatie poate duce la dublarea, triplarea sau chiar insutirea cifrei de afaceri. Pentru aceasta avem serviciul de pozitionare in Google.

Ceea ce inseamna Online Branding Monitor este intr-adevar ceva unic. O sa incerc sa va explic ideea si sper sa reusesc sa ma fac bine inteles. Intr-un alt articol vom prezenta ‘le piece de resistance’ numit Online Branding Self Control. Nu cred ca nu v-ati pus niciodata problema ce ar fi daca cineva ar posta pe internet absolut orice despre firma dumneavoastra sau despre dumneavoastra personal.: ca va plac jocurile de noroc, ca aveti amanta, ca furati bani, sau cate si mai cate.

Va fi foarte greu sa opriti sau stopati aceste lucruri , adevarate sau nu . Dar totusi cum ar fi daca pe prima pagina a cautarilor organice de la Google pe numele dumneavoastra sau al brandului dumneavoastra ar aparea numai ce doriti dumneavoastra , adica exact acele informatii pe care le doriti dumneavoastra si pe care le puteti modifica dupa bunul plac?

Pana acum era doar un vis, dar acum exista ONLINE BRANDING SELF CONTROL( il vom detalia intr-un articol separat), unicul serviciu de acest gen din Romania.

Dar acum sa revenim la Online Branding Monitor.

Cred ca in acesta nebunie informationala care este internetul ar fi placut sa stii in fiecare moment ce si unde se scrie despre brandul tau, numele tau si domeniul tau de activitate. Sa afli tot ce se intampla pe net despre ele. E important sa stii in timp real pentru a putea lua pozitie sau a contracara lucrurile neplacute, precum si a profita de lucrurile bune care se scriu la momentul oportun.

Pe scurt, acest serviciu va propune o monitorizare in timp real a tot ceea ce se scrie pe internet despre numele, brandul sau firma dumneavoastra, precum si domeniul de activitate vizat.

Aceasta monitorizare se face in timp real, odata cu indexarea paginii respective de catre motorul de cautare Google, fara de care acest serviciu ar fi imposibil.

Se va genera un email cu linkul siteului respectiv unde apare nominalizarea brandului sau numelui dumneavoastra, pentru a putea citi continutul in timp real.

Noi am gandit acest serviciu sub forma de abonament lunar in functie de mai multi indicatori:

Tipuri de abonament:

1. Instant: Semnalare imediata aparitie 24/24 ore, 7/7 zile : 20 euro + tva/luna

2. Weekly: Semnalare saptamanala aparitie nume/brand : 15 euro + TVA/luna

3.Monthly: Semnalare lunara aparitii nume/brand : 10 euro + TVA/luna

Se poate opta si pentru serviciu Alerta SMS instant care are doua variante si completeaza toate abonamentele de baza descrise mai sus sau poate functiona separat:

1.Instant SMS Crisis: se vor trimite sms la un numar de mobil furnizat de dumneavoastra., doar in situatiile critice , atunci cand postarea respectiva lezeaza imaginea dumneavoastra sau a brandului dumneavoastra : 25 euro + TVA/luna ., pentru abonamet de sine statator sau 10 euro + TVA/luna pentru completarea serviciilor de mai sus.

2. Instant SMS All: se vor trimite sms-uri cu toate aparitiile legate de brandul dumneavoastra : 40 euro + TVA/luna , de sine statator sau 20 euro + TVA/luna ca si completare la un abonament standard.