miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

De ce sa cumparati o BANDA de ALERGARE?

Progresul tehnologiei combinat cu costurile de productie reduse ? toate acestea va spun ca puteti acum sa cumparati o banda de alergare pentru uz la domiciliu cu control gradient, cu programe presetate si o functionare care este extrem de apropiata de benzile de alergare comerciale de calitate pentru mai putin de 1000Euro!

Ceea ce este foarte bine, pentru ca alergatul si urcatul dealurilor reprezinta forme foarte bune de antrenament cardiovascular si ambele sunt eficiente atat in controlul greutatii cat si in reducerea grasimii din corp. O banda buna de alergare poate oferi un nivel de amortizare atat de ridicat incat face ca cei mai exotici pantofi de sport sa dea senzatia unui flip-flop, fara sa trebuiasca sa cauti rutele fara trafic si poluare, dar sigure, mai ales pentru femei in serile de iarna.

Dar benzile de alergare presupun o tehnologie mai complexa decat celelalte tipuri de echipament? (cum ar fi cross trainers (bicicletele), ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa te gandesti bine inainte de a te repezi sa cumperi acel produs)

Foarte important cand cumparati o banda de alergare:

Asigurati-va ca banda de alergare se vinde impreuna cu o garantie a service-ului, pentru ca multe marci de import se vand doar cu garantia pieselor (doar nu vreti sa schimbati un nou motor chiar d-voastra, etc). Asigurati-va ca garantia nu se ofera cu intoarcerea la baza (d-voastra platiti transportul), intrebati daca inginerul vine la d-voastra acasa sa faca reparatia.

Este important sa cumparati un produs cu nume de marca cunoscut “high street” pentru care se ofera service adecvat in toata tara. Astfel, daca vanzatorul cu amanuntul dispare, garantia d-voastra este totusi valabila la producator. Acum multi producatori ofera garantii pentru toata viata aparatului pentru motor si o garantie prelungita pentru structura si componente.

* Dimensiuni generale – Verificati daca se incadreaza in locul in care doriti sa-l puneti (langa o sursa de energie) cu destul loc pentru a va urca si coborati de pe aparat. Daca locul este mic, ganditi-va si la benzile de alergare rabatabile.
* Puterea motorului – Ar trebui sa aiba cel putin 2.0 cai putere si sa aiba un bun efort de torsiune (la viteze foarte mici, cureaua nu trebuie sa incetineasca cand pasiti pe ea)
* Amortizarea si stabilitatea benzii – Cum te simti cand alergi pe banda de alergare? O banda buna de alergare ar trebui sa ofere o amortizare excelenta, dar sa nu scuture, sa nu agite, sa nu faca zgomote sau sa vibreze la fiecare pas.
* Cureaua sau banda de rulare – verificati daca banda este destul de lata (se recomanda de la 40cm in sus) si destul de lunga pentru a se adapta stilului d-voastra de alergat fara sa aveti crampe si sa se miste lin pentru punte, chiar si cand mergeti la viteza mica.
* Viteza maxima – Asigurati-va ca este cu cel putin 3Km/ora mai mare decat pasul d-voastra obisnuit de alergat? pentru ca motoarele benzilor de alergare care sunt folosite la viteze maxime pe perioade lungi nu vor rezista prea mult.
* Gradientul maxim (inclinarea) -? Gradiente maxime mai mari, de ex. 12%+ sunt folositoare pentru exercitiile de mers. Mai verificati si cat de repede se schimba gradientul cand apasati butonul!
* Pupitru feedback si usurinta utilizarii – cat de clare si inteligibile sunt informatiile de pe afisaj? Cat de usor este accesul la programe (daca exista)? Daca sunt butoanele destul de vizibile si usor de folosit?
* Programele – multe benzi de alergare ofera antrenamente la intervale anume, curse de alergat in panta sau va dau posibilitatea sa va creati propriul d-voastra program de alergat/ mers. Unele mai afiseaza si controlul ritmului cardiac.
* Zgomotul – cat de zgomotoasa este banda de alergat mai ales la viteze mai mari? Benzile de alergare mai silentioase de obicei au un standard mai ridicat de structura si motor.
* Rabatarea – Se rabateaza banda de alergare pentru a putea fi depozitata?
* Standardul structurii – Structurile sudate sunt mai bune decat structurile prinse cu suruburi (suruburile se pot desprinde sub presiune si greutate mare) iar banda de alergare nu trebuie sa se scuture vizibil cand calcati pe ea (este semnul unei constructii fragile)!

sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

Coffee Shop Business Planner

A complete coffee shop business plan to help you get the planning process started. Facts and figures updated yearly.

Check it out!

Significance of Ecommerce Shopping Cart Plan Posted By : Hillery Thomson

In today’s modern world, marketers are striving hard to boost the marketing or sales of an organization. An entrepreneur has to device different strategies and techniques to make the presentation of an organization attractive and impressive. The main aim of every marketer has been to pave way to project a professional image of an organization. This can also be done by creating a unique and professional brand image through a medium. The Internet is a much sought after medium as compared to print and electronic media. Many marketers sell their products or services over the Internet medium. This has brought the concept of E commerce framework into being and made the sales of a marketer’s organization easy and smooth.

It has been a painstaking task to trace the leads, sending e-newsletters, tracking the clients, drawing traffic through banners, handling affiliate programs, article marketing and other such ways and means to promote the products. All the above mentioned methods are those that show or display an outcome in long run. However, it is more effective and fruitful to create a website and promote the same with the best of SEO efforts and also display the products or mention about the services on the Internet site. Once the products are displayed, you can give a vivid demonstration of these products by displaying them through interactive features. One can easily make the presentation of the facts or demonstrate the usability of a product through the interactive features. You can add visual effects to the demonstration of a product on a website. Make the money transaction easy or uncomplicated by incorporating all easy to use tools into the web pages for the transaction process. All this leads to automation and makes the process of accomplishing sales targets easy and convenient. At the same time, it is easy for a prospective customer to approach an organization’s site, find out the usability of a product, get a clear idea of a product and then immediately make a purchase. In this way, you can make your process of making sales easy and convenient. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

This is Hillery Thomson, a professional web designer providing e commerce framework, web design solutions, e-leaning, ecommerce software solution, software and web application development and SEO services etc.

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How to market content effectively for both genders

We all know men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and the differences between men and women are far too varied and extensive to detail in any one place. Yet to effectively tailor your content marketing strategy to reach the desired audience, be it male, female or both, you need to understand what each is most likely to respond.

Tips from Writing on the Web advise us that that for every 1 word a man says each day, a woman will say 3 times as many - supporting the old myth that women like to talk, discuss and debate matters before forming their opinion.  Men tend to live in the present, making snap decisions based on absolute facts.

Thus, the way you market your content must be adapted for each gender. For women, your content needs to speak to them directly, addressing their individual requirements and explaining how you will meet them now and in the future. It's not just about the content, it's also about how it can nurture theirs and their family's personal development - speaking to their core values.

Meanwhile Business Week claims that where 58% of women are annoyed by the way their gender is represented in advertising, 79% of men don't even recognize when an advert is portraying their gender.  They are focused not on the visualization of the content, but the content itself -which needs to say "this is what we'll do, and this is how much it'll cost...". 

Returning to Writing on the Web, we have the suggestion that to play to the typical male's goal-orientated attitude, provide clear, linear content that is headed towards a finish line. To attract your female audience, focus on value and convenience within your content, and encourage them to participate - making an effort to understand their needs.

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Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

Human Resources Audits: 6 Ways Electronic Document Management Can Help You Comply

Managers who are worth their salt work hard to ensure employees have the tools they need to handle everyday business and tackle potential challenges. Strategic planning, appropriate policies and clear communications—proactive and reactive—lay the groundwork for success. Yet without a periodic audit of your practices, it’s difficult to ascertain whether you and your team are adequately prepared and whether practices are consistently being followed or are still even relevant.

Often, auditors demand a sea of documentation that must be dredged from multiple systems. If you’ve ever gone through the process manually—or searched for employee handbooks, applications, contracts, benefits summaries, tax forms, pay stubs and other files scattered among legacy systems, databases, and line-of-business apps— the frustration is familiar. All you really want to do is exchange cumbersome search for meaningful work that advances your business—and yet a well-conducted internal or external audit can advance your business, too.

HR audits raise important questions. They identify gaps between policy objectives and practices, letting you make adjustments to protect your business from future harm. Whether you conduct a comprehensive annual audit or tackle different topics each year (examining written policies, reviewing new hire compliance), EDM can help to address concerns quickly, accurately, and costeffectively.

Ask yourself:

Do our policies and procedures require updating?Are there any that aren’t followed consistently? If so, why? What rules can we establish to enforce observance?Do existing measures help employees to comply? Are they user friendly, encouraging adoption?Is our compliance training sufficient?Are internal communications clear, adequate, and frequent enough to support policy adoption and ensure employees execute tasks compliantly?Are there unwritten practices, inconsistencies, or other potential liabilities that could pose legal risks to our organization?

Audits can give even the most meticulous record keeper an anxiety attack. What if an I-9 or other vital documentation is missing, someone discovers a questionable termination, or employees claim bonuses were unfairly distributed? Will insufficient documentation put the company at risk or mar its reputation? Result in a fine or a lawsuit? If so, how much will the damages be? What changes can be made to protect the company from future harm?

An effective audit uncovers ways you can improve HR practices and business in general. EDM gives you the necessary tools to expedite and ensure improvements. It lets you:

Supply consistent rules for managing information throughout the document lifecycle, governing how data is accessed and used, from capture through processing and archival.Give auditors secure, real-time access to scattered information so they can search, extract, and analyze documentation and practices efficiently and gain the holistic insight they need.Spot discrepancies quickly, rectify concerns promptly, and lay the groundwork for enterprise-wide compliance.

Skillful at establishing and improving best practices, an audit is easier, more effective, and less costly when data and documents are guarded under the watchful eye of EDM.

If you already use Lawson, Oracle, PeopleSoft, or other HR software along with automated accounting procedures, a disaster recovery plan, and more, you may question whether you need EDM. Yet the value proposition begins there: if you’re like most organizations, your information is scattered—and securing, gathering, and managing dispersed information is time consuming, inefficient, and costly. EDM transforms information management, enabling centralized, electronic storage and retrieval of all policies, employee files, and supporting documentation. It allows you to manage HR documents securely and effectively throughout the entire employment lifecycle, from document generation through retention and disposition.

EDM doesn’t replace valuable systems; rather, it establishes a framework for seamless, secure access and effective information management.

Position your organization for successful compliance and audits EDM and its sibling in process management—automated workflow—prepare you for successful audits by ensuring your business rules consistently govern how your documents are accessed, used, and managed. They help you to:

1. Ensure sensitive documentation is secure.

How? EDM lets you:

Specify which document types each user can view or use and control user rights through a central interface. Only documents users are authorized to work with appear on their screens, ensuring compliance with HIPAA and other regulations that govern information access.Dictate how each person can use each doc type, according to individual job roles. Sensitive information is secure, viewable and actionable as your rules allow.

The result: Forced observance of the business rules you put in place.

2. Guarantee your business rules are followed consistently.

How? EDM that includes an integrated workflow component should be able to:

Guarantee employee files are complete, using checklist features to assess portfolio contents and automatically initiate communications to appropriate persons(s) if additional documentation is required.Automate your rules for document and process handling so they are standardized and consistent, ensuring your policies governing file use are observed.Handle common exceptions consistently (such as rejected applications or claims) by creating separate workflows, each with its own set of standardized rules.Ensure document portfolios are complete before they are routed (or contain the minimum required number of documents), reducing the need for re-routing and the likelihood of delaysReduce the probability of missing mandated deadlines for filing, reporting, etc.

The result: Faster turnaround, consistent document handling, fewer mistakes.

3. Respond to changing rules instantly.

How? EDM lets you:

Amend employee authorization to access, view, annotate, update, and delete documents with a mouse click.Enforce observance of new rules instantly by simply updating system configurations.Prescribe rules and amend as necessary using electronic forms that offer drop-down menu choices, fixed formats (such as date formats and alpha-numeric entry with a set number of characters), ensuring data collection meets your current standards.Provide help boxes and explanatory text when processes change, helping workers to adapt quickly to new rules and respond appropriately to change.

The result: New rules are implemented and adapted instantly by simply changing your system’s document access, routing, or processing rules, eliminating the need for constant retraining and saving you time and money.

4. Migrate documents to designated long-term storage and purge files according to your retention policies.

How? EDM lets you:

Establish data-driven rules to automatically migrate documents for long-term archival or purge them, depending on the policies to which they are subjected.Ensure the correct version of documents is retained, and that document versions can be rolled back on demand if the audit demands it.Set rules to notify staff as documents are ready to be purged or deleted, allowing authorized persons to confirm the action is appropriate before it occurs.

The result: Documents needed for future reference or potential litigation are available with a mouse click. Automated retention scheduling ensures files that could put your organization at risk are destroyed promptly.

5. Provide a common framework for accessing documentation, thereby making audits easier, faster, and cost-efficient.

How? EDM lets you:

Integrate HR software, databases, legacy systems, payroll, A/P, line-of-business software and more, centralizing and easing auditor access while letting management control employee access to sensitive information.Enable instant desktop sampling of desired record categories.Make information available to auditors via a standard web browser so examinations can be conducted remotely—yet securely. No more repurposing of precious office space for reviews. Staff work uninterrupted, remaining focused and productive.Lets auditors email, export, and print documents as needed, saving money for the reviewer— and you.

The result: Faster, easier, self-service auditing that’s nobtrusive and less costly.

6. Provide a trail of all document access, use, and transactional activity.

How? EDM lets you:

Keep a log of all actions—who, what was accessed or used, how it was used, when, etc.Track system administration changes so compliance (as well as errors or non-compliance) can be proven.Verify the most recent versions of documents have been archived, with the ability to roll back to prior versions if needed.

The result: Easier proof of compliance; all supporting documentation is available with a few mouse clicks. Instead of constant questions about document versions and rule changes, audit trails supply detailed information auditors need.

No one enjoys preparing for audits, but a thorough assessment is well worth the investment when if it’s cost-efficient and lets you make needed improvements. By establishing a strong, central infrastructure for your information systems and putting the tools in place to manage your information effectively, your audits will produce timely results, be hassle free, and let you respond quickly to a changeable regulatory and work environment.

Rather than drowning in burdensome preparations, work interruptions, and final reports, EDM will empower your auditors to access what they need quickly and effectively so you can make prompt and meaningful improvements. In the end, everyone wins.

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vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

Coffee Shop Secrets

Learn the insider secrets to opening and operating a successful coffee shop.

Check it out!

Some Important Information on Hosted Shopping Cart Software Posted By : Mark Rick

Nowadays mostly every website which features products for sale has hosted shopping cart software. This software allows the customer to place the products they want to buy in order just like we take shopping carts when we go to supermarkets for groceries and other items. This usually makes it very simple for customers to buy products online. You have two options that either you rent out an auto responding company to manage this software for you or you can also purchase the software and manage it on your own. Mostly people buy this software as it is a one time investment and you don’t have to pay the companies to handle it for you.

But what mostly smart people do is that they rent out auto responding companies and help them to take care of your website’s shopping cart and delivery of emails. This will not help you in getting expert services in your business but rather will prevent you from facing technical problems leaving you ample time to concentrate on function and operation of your business.

Hosted shopping cart service providers are also known as application service provider (ASP). They have relieved the tension of small and medium companies. There are various reasons to prove that hosted shopping cart software is beneficial rather than stand alone software. One of the reasons that it is considered better than your personal shopping cart is that you do not have to install the software in your IT department and manage it as it is a very complicated procedure. Secondly, if you think it is a one time job of installing the software then you are mistaken as the software needs to be upgraded whenever the latest version is available and plus upgrading it is very time consuming. Hosted shopping cart software removes all the problems and technicalities that you face while installing and managing it as this software is pre installed for every user. Another reason to opt for hosted shopping cart software is that it very less cost effective than your personal shopping cart software as the cost is shared by several users using the same server.

People use to pay attention in buying their own shopping cart software rather than go for the hosted one rather than concentrating on their managing and sales techniques, and this is where they use to face problems in marketing strategies and eventually their sales declined.

Hosted shopping cart providers keep your system up to date and add new features that have recently been introduced to it and keep it safe from any kind of technical faults and mishaps. They provide special security of the data and information of the customer and also keep the backup of all the data in order to save them from the recovery cost incase something goes wrong and they loose all their important data. Hosted shopping cart providers are considered as a blessing for people who market and sell products online. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Search Engine Optimization Company offer SEO Shopping Cart Software.

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Liferay releases Liferay Enterprise Support Application

Yesterday, I received a press release from one of Liferay's marketing people. Instead of just publishing the press release, I thought I'd also include the part of the email that also introduces the product. This is a  good way for you to get an insider's look to how marketing relationships between a site such as CMS Report and the CMS companies are established. Kyle's introduction to the product actually peaked my interest into Liferay more than the press release and may help you consider Liferay as part of your enterprise solution.

Hi Bryan,

Liferay (makers of the Java open source portal that was recently voted a leader in Gartner's magic quadrant), has developed its own support issue tracker that is included in the Liferay Portal 6 Enterprise Editions. Liferay used to use JIRA, but needed to make some tweaks to simplify the support process - so they built this using their own Liferay Portal 6 Enterprise Edition.

Liferay is used by hundreds of thousands of developers; as Gartner reported in the report above, a "surprising amount" of enterprises ask Gartner about Liferay's portal.

Press release is below.

Los Angeles, CA - November 30, 2010: Liferay, Inc., provider of the market’s fastest growing enterprise portal product, recently announced the availability of the Liferay Enterprise Support Application (LESA), a new multifaceted support issue tracker, designed to simplify and streamline the enterprise support experience for its customers. The web application, available through the Liferay Customer Portal, provides Liferay Enterprise Edition customers a clean and simple interface to improve interactions with the Liferay support team.

LESA features a simplified user interface that greatly improves the support experience for both developers and non-technical administrators. Customers will benefit from having one application that aggregates, organizes, and monitors disparate data and services in the support process. Customers can now search tickets by username, issue severity, due date, and other attributes. This will simplify how customers track open tickets and allows them an efficient escalation process. LESA’s ability to issue multiple assignees also improves productivity by permitting more people to work on a ticket at a given time.

“Customers who have tested LESA have been very pleased with the capabilities and have reported quicker and more accurate resolutions,” said Craig Kaneko, Liferay’s Director of Support and Subscription Services. “Customers report that usability and accessibility are much higher with LESA than what is available from other support systems, including those of the world’s largest software providers.”

Built entirely on Liferay Portal 6EE, LESA, is now available to all Enterprise Edition customers. For more information, please visit www.liferay.com. A free 30-day trial of Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition is available upon request by contacting sales@liferay.com.

About Liferay, Inc.

Liferay is the provider of leading enterprise open source portal and collaboration software products, used by companies worldwide, including Allianz, AutoZone, Benetton Group, Cisco Systems, Lufthansa Flight Training, The French Ministry of Defense, and the United Nations. The company offers professional services, technical support, custom development and professional training to ensure successful deployment in the most demanding IT environments.

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Publisher Utilizes the Xtenit Content Management System

Xtenit a leading provider of web, email, and ad management services in the cloud, announced today that Shelf Awareness, a successful, online only, B2B publisher in the book trade sector, has re-launched their website using the Xtenit web content management system.

Xtenit provides an unique services platform for publishers that combines web content management, email publishing and ad serving. By tightly integrating the core services that publishers need to manage their online presence, Xtenit provides additional value and can more effectively meet the varied requirements of publishers.

Shelf Awareness publishes several e-mail newsletters. They wanted their new website to keep subscriber experiences centered around the newsletters, while managing the articles that compose the newsletters separately for tracking, reporting, and search optimization purposes. The Xtenit product was able to recognize each newsletter as a collection of content items and customize it differently for email, web, and mobile delivery.

“We needed a content management solution that would fit our publishing model and advertising requirements. The Xtenit product delivered exactly what we needed and made it almost effortless for us to go from design concept to implementation.” said Jenn Risko Publisher and Co-founder of Shelf Awareness. Jenn Risko further added, “Xtenit has had a very positive impact on our success and profitability. They have removed us from the technology infrastructure and support costs that have crippled our competitors.”

“Shelf Awareness serves their subscribers well and provides excellent value to their advertisers. We look forward to working with them as they add new newsletters and extend their success into other markets.“ said Brian McFadden CEO of Xtenit.

About Xtenit

Xtenit a leading provider of web, email, and ad management services in the cloud, helps top­ tier publishing and media companies increase subscriber value and generate more revenue. Please visit our website http://www.xtenit.com for additional information.

About Shelf Awareness

Shelf Awareness was born out of a need to provide a range of people in the book trade industry with essential information for their businesses, including news about titles coming out now, titles getting buzz in the media, authors on major shows, movie tie-ins, sleepers, news about the business, tips on how to sell, etc. Visit the Shelf Awareness website http://www.shelf-awareness.com to see their publications.


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joi, 9 decembrie 2010

Downloadable Magic Tricks. Magic shop

Download magic tricks. Learn Magic.

Check it out!

Ebook: Saving Money through Power Shopping

Commission is 70% for this grocery eBook. Sales are improving as this product is a must have for families! Saving Money through Power Shopping: How to Immediately Save 40-70% on Your Grocery Bill." The ultimate guide to couponing and grocery savings.

Check it out!

Some Important Tips to Consider before Starting an E-commerce Shop Posted By : Pixelcrayons

Profits from an E-commerce store do not start when you initiate selling on it but much before that. How?

You imagine a single product which you want to buy and type the related keywords. You will find a long product list on your search engine page with some product specialized websites, review websites & blogs. And, the product is just a click away to purchase.

Now consider the same in real world where one has to first setup a shop. But this establishment includes land cost, infrastructure cost, warehousing, expenditure in marketing & promotion of the products/service and other overheads. Whereas, setting up an E-commerce shop does not require scalable expenditure.

Since the inception of Internet, many development and advancement of technologies have taken place. Some were normal and some revolutionary. And E-commerce is one such revolutionary development in the online arena which has made business just a click away.

What adds to its achievement is that it provides convenience to both the parties—Consumer & Service Provider. A service provider or a product supplier can very easily ask for customer’s feedback, supervise its inventory, take care of its marketing & promotion and etc. On the other side, a consumer can compare products, review the products, write and give his rating to the purchase he/she has made, convenient tracking of the product shipment and many other such overwhelming features.

The only thing which you need to have, before starting an E-commerce solution, is good platform with better design, and a little bit of planning. If you could not plan for E-commerce software, it would turn frustrating and time consuming. And many neglect this planning part and later pay for it by reinstalling new software.

The other important thing which can assure you the correct establishment of your online shop is to hire a highly professional company which provides E-commerce Solution & software implementation as their expertise. Hiring a service provider ensures you the desired result and fully functional online shop.

Once you get the right kind of vendor who can design and develop your store, fitted with desired features you are left with the marketing and promotion part of your store. Service providers with professionals as their work force do provide you help even with this and help the shop owner to gain momentum.

So if you have decided to put an online shop then, a right E-commerce Solution providing company is a necessary step. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

PixelCrayons is an industry leader in providing bespoke Ecommerce Web Development solutions. Here, you can hire dedicated Magento Developer and OsCommerce Developer on hourly basis.

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Quoting IT: Content-Centric Budgeting

"Until we learn that, in an increasingly content-centric world, we cannot continue to base automation efforts exclusively on a technology-centric model, agencies will continue to invest millions of dollars in programs and have little to show for it."

-Barry Schaeffer, Federal IT program failures: It's the content, stupid, Federal Computer Week, September 23, 2010.

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miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

Great e-Guide to Mystery Shopping. Great product for hard times!

This is a fact-packed 36-page e-book that gives customers all they need to know to make money as much as $2000/month Mystery Shopping. Great commission! $9.99 per sale!

Check it out!

Start your own online clothing shop Posted By : ManojG

E- Commerce has occupied large section of the Internet shopping. E-commerce is nothing but purchasing and selling products and services online. Customers also prefer e-commerce over regular shopping which invites lot of inconvenience. With the expansion and advancement of Internet and computer technology E-commerce has spread in almost every household which has boosted online trade and business.

Today, online clothing shop has also become a growing trend among people. The clothing business is progressing rapidly; people are ready to spend heavily on clothes. They prefer to have different apparel and attires for different occasions. Therefore, to start your own online clothing shop is indeed a fruitful business. If you are good at designing clothes and accessories but not able to open your own boutique then online clothing shop is an appropriate way to showcase your designed clothes to the people and also earn an income out of it.

A large number of customers search online for their different needs and requirements; clothing is one of them. Buying from a designer shop or showroom cost heavily on your budget therefore, online clothing shops are huge hit for their wide varieties of clothes and accessories at reasonable rates. You can begin your online clothing shop with in the comfort of your house. The sale of your apparel depends entirely on your prices. If you keep reasonable rates then certainly there is arise on your products and vice-versa. Online clothing store is an apt way to earn money. You could either go for full time or part time basic in online clothing shop. There are few steps required to open an online clothing shop, which are essential to remember. They are-

If you do not have your own designed clothes and looking for a wholesale clothes supplier then make sure he is reliable and genuine supplier of clothes. You should always consider the quality and durability of the clothes he is selling you. A poor quality in clothes would make you lose your customers and your business suffers consequently.

Finding a right web host is very imperative for your online clothing. An appropriate web host would make your content accessible which increases the number of visitors on your website.

An important thing to remember before starting online clothing shop is that what do you want to sell? You can begin from bridal wear to children’s clothing; you just need to be sure what you want to showcase. However, if you are an amateur in online business then it is advisable to start with small clothing line. You can gradually raise your stock once you have firmed your feet into the market.

You must also consider which section of the society you are targeting and the prices of your apparels. If you are targeting the large masses then your prices should match up with their budget and affordability.

Advertisement and promotion are very crucial fro any online or offline business. It also applies for your online clothing shop as well. Try to rank up your website in Google and other search engines. Online promotion and advertisement of your online clothing site is required for robust sales of your clothes.

Selection of a location is also important for online clothing. Avoid a distant and aloof area which makes difficult for customers to reach up to you. It is advisable to select a prime location for your business and to increase customers.

There is no doubt that online clothing business requires lot of hard work, determination and patience at the beginning. But with the course of time it gives you vibrant and fruitful results indeed. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

Find Shops Online provides Online Shopping Information about Compare prices, research product and Shopping Deals .Just type in anything you are trying to find online.

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How to remove newline character in PHP

I need to remove newline character using PHP from user input, so the input will show in one line for my CSV file. I’ve tried to use nl2br and str_replace the br tag but it doesn’t work. At the end, i need to use regular expression to solve this.

U can try the code below $str = "Haha\nHehe\n";$x = preg_replace("/\n|\r/", " ", $str);// if preg found new line, it will replace and store in array index 1if(isset($x[1]) { echo $x[1];}Output will be:- Haha Hehe

Notice that the newline now been replaced by white space

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Sheri Bigelow: How to Support WordPress Video

 About this CMS Enthusiast

Bryan Ruby is the owner and editor for CMS Report. He founded CMSReport.com in 2006 on the belief that information technologists, website owners, and web developers desired visiting sites where they could learn about content management systems without the sales pitch. Outside of his late night blogging hours, he is the Information Technology Officer for a field office in the federal government.

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How To Start Your Own Quilt Shop

Comprehensive Business Guide Shows You How To Start, Run, And Market A Successful Quilt Shop.

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marți, 7 decembrie 2010

The Integration of Facebook Amazon Posted By : Priyanka Gupta

A Fortnight back, Amazon introduced a new feature that allows users to get into their Facebook network. Users can check out the recommendations from friends, see upcoming birthdays and wish lists, find gift ideas on the basis of their Facebook profile or get purchase ideas from profile based friends with similar interest. This looks very powerful and has the potential of social media to drive e-commerce move ahead. The integration of Facebook and Amazon is itself is huge, as Amazon is the E-commerce giant and Facebook the social media king. Facebook may not always reign in social media, but for now it is with more than half a billion users and still counting. Amazon’s step will show the masses what is possible and others will soon try to follow this strategic move.

People recommending to each other can prove to be very powerful, but this not the only reason through which this integration can be helpful. With the web now allowing social connections through Facebook, twitter and other sites, a new movement of collaborative consumption is developing and is fostering personal connections in a way that has not been happening before. Facebook may add a trust factor to the E-commerce websites so that people don’t have to think twice before buying a thing. "According to Facebook, three times more visitors will login to their Facebook account on an e-commerce site than would create an account/register. That’s significant," says SeeWhy Founder Charles Nicholls. "Visitors don't like creating accounts everywhere. They forget how to login and don't like sharing personal details unless they are willing to trust the site."

In the future, Facebook's own role in all of this may increase dramatically through advertising. It's already playing a huge role on Facebook's site. The more users share, the better Facebook can target ads to them. Facebook's ads already target you based on your activity, like what's in your profile. The "open graph" which lets you "like" stuff all over the web will only continue to spark this. This might create a AdSense like platform for Facebook. Such a scenario would obviously compete with Google's AdSense, and it's no secret that the competition between these two companies is already heating up. Whether, Facebook goes that route or not, the competition is definitely going to prevail.

The increased competition between Google and Facebook will also likely drive online purchasing. Leena Rao at TechCrunch speculates that Google Checkout could get a huge injection of usage from several elements, such as Google's newfound interest in social gaming (one of the major areas where the company appears to be going after Facebook). Another (while is still theoretical at this point) concept she mentions would have Google letting businesses and customers engage in direct transactions from Place Pages, which Google has also been putting an increased amount of focus on lately. Some consumers will continue to express concerns about privacy with regards to how businesses tap into their Facebook or other social data, but that discussion really won't be much different than the basic discussion around Facebook's Open Graph as a whole. Facebook doesn't get your buying history. Sites don't get your Facebook info. Facebook provides your Facebook info while you're on other sites. That can add a lot of convenience to your shopping experience. That can help businesses drive sales. Article Directory : http://www.articlecube.com

This article is provided by courtesy of SEO Australia a SEO provider company. For more information on search engine optimisation contact SEO Experts

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How to restart using command line in window 7

I need to restart my window 7 machine which i remote desktop in, but there is no restart button! So, other solution will be restart using command line. After checking some documentation, i found out “shutdown.exe” is the command that can be use to restart the computer.

click on Start -> type cmd and press “Enter”, a command prompt window will pop outtype the below command in the command prompt and press enter. shutdown -r

* you need to be admin privilege to execute this command.

Now you will see a message prompt out saying that “Window will shutdown in less than a minutes”
Just wait a while and your machine will be automatically restartTags: restart command line, restart command line remote desktop, restart command line window xp, restart command window 7, restart computer command line, restart remote desktop

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TikiFest London Wrapup

TikiFest London ended last week, making several important contributions to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This code sprint, the sixth in the UK, saw:

Planning the Tiki Tracker RevampImplementation discussions of a Tiki Project Management featureExploration of the removal of deprecated features (such as PHPLayersMenu, Babelfish, Image Galleries, and Xajax)

For complete details of TikiFest London, see http://tiki.org/TikiFestLondon6.

Several other TikiFests are planned in the upcoming months, including the Summer 2011 Tiki Tour. See the Tiki Community calendar at http://info.tiki.org/Calendar and the main TikiFest page at http://tiki.org/tikifest for details.

Elsewhere in Europe, Tiki Community members are proud to announce the formation of the German Language Tiki Users Group. One of the first goals of this group will be to use Tiki's interactive translation feature to continue to improve the German version of Tiki. For details on the Tiki internationalization project, see http://i18n.tiki.org. For more information on (or to join) the German Language User Group, see http://tiki.org/GLUG.

About Tiki

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual (35+ languages), tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware, Free Source Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty. Actively developed by a very large international community, Tiki can be used to create all kinds of Web applications, sites, portals, knowledge bases, intranets, and extranets. Tiki is managed by the Tiki Software Community Association. For more information, visit http://tiki.org.

View the original article here

NetObjects Fusion 11 Tutorial: How to Create a Website with NetObjects Fusion 11

NetObjects Fusion 11 is a WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") web editor. That is to say, it is a computer program that lets you visually design websites without having to learn technical things like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, etc. This tutorial teaches you how you create a completely functional website using this software.

Before you start this tutorial, it's important that you read How to Make / Create Your Own Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide. That article lists some of the preliminary steps you need to take before you can even design a website. There's more to creating a website than simply using a web editor, such as getting a domain name and finding a web host. Please read that article, otherwise when you reach the section of this tutorial telling you to publish your website, you won't know what I'm talking about.

In addition, since this tutorial is about using NetObjects Fusion 11, you'll need the aforesaid editor. I know it seems like I'm stating the obvious here, but I mention it in case some of you have an earlier version of NetObjects Fusion (like version 10 or earlier) or the free "Essentials" version. Since this tutorial was written specifically for version 11, things may not work the same way for you if you use those earlier versions, and indeed, some features may even be completely missing.

By the end of this tutorial series, you will have a working website with multiple pages, including a home page, a site map, an (optional) "About Us" page, and a feedback form. You'll also have acquired the skills and knowledge to create other pages for your website, and indeed other websites.

By the end of this chapter, you will have created a two-column web page and placed it on the Internet. You will already be viewing that web page in your web browser at the close of the chapter.

By default, NetObjects Fusion 11 comes with a very old version (version 1.4) of something called the Java Runtime Environment ("JRE"). It installs this into its own folder and uses it by default. Many people recommend that you download and install the latest version of the JRE to solve some glitches that appear when you use the program. This is especially so if you're currently using Windows Vista or Windows 7. Just go to JRE site and click the link or button labelled "Download JRE" (not the one labelled "Download JDK"). (For the curious, the JRE is a subset of the entire JDK, and it is the only portion you need for use with NetObjects Fusion. The JDK, short for Java Development Kit, comes with many extra components and is actually meant for programmers writing computer programs in the Java programming language.)

After downloading the Java Runtime Environment, run it and install it.

Once the JRE is installed, start up NetObjects Fusion.

If you get a dialog box with a title "NetObjects Fusion 11 - Welcome" with a welcome message saying something like "Thanks for installing NetObjects Fusion 11. The short configuration wizard will help you set up your software..." (etc), click the Skip button. Or, if you want to register your software, you can also click the "OK" and fill in your details for registration. If you chose the Skip button, you'll be asked whether you want the program to show you this welcome screen again the next time you start. It's up to you whether to click the "Yes" or "No" button.

Now click "Tools" in the menu bar (near the top of the NetObjects Fusion program window). In the menu that appears, click "Options". A submenu will be displayed. Click the "Application..." item in that menu.

Important: in the interest of brevity, I shall refer to such a sequence of clicking menu items as clicking "Tools | Options | Application...". For example, if I say, click "File | Save Site", it means to click the "File" item on the menu bar, followed by the "Save Site" item in the drop down menu that appears. (Please don't click the "File" menu at this moment. I'm merely using it as an example.)

In the dialog box that pops up, look for the section entitled "Java Runtime Environment". It should be somewhere near the bottom of the dialog box. Click the drop-down box next to the "Version" field. Click the "Use external JRE" line. The actual text may read something like "Use external JRE (1.6)" where "1.6" is the version that you just installed. (Don't worry if you see a number bigger than 1.6. It just means that you got a later version than the one that was available at the time I wrote this article.) Then click the OK button.

If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, quit NetObjects Fusion before going on to the next step.

If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, you will need to set NetObjects Fusion 11 to run with administrator rights. This is because NetObjects Fusion 11 was originally written for Windows XP and earlier, where most users ran their computers in something known as an administrator's account. An administrator's account gives programs running under it unbridled power to do whatever it wants to do. To protect users from themselves (and other things), Vista and Windows 7 by default no longer allow programs to run with administrator rights even from an administrator's account, unless you explicitly state that you want it to do so. Since NetObjects Fusion 11 expects to have those rights, it will not run correctly if you don't take the following steps. (It will appear to work for some things, but some functionality will be missing.)

Note: if you use Windows XP, and are using an administrator's account, please skip to the next section. If you don't know whether you're using an administrator's account or not, and the computer you are on is your own computer (as opposed to something belonging to your company or someone else), chances are that you probably are (in an administrator's account), even if your user name is not "Administrator".

If you have NetObjects Fusion 11 running, and have not quit it like I told you to in the previous section, exit the program now.

Look for the NetObjects Fusion 11 icon on your desktop. Right click it. (To "right click" something means to move your mouse pointer so that it is over that item, and then click the right mouse button.) A menu will appear. Click the "Properties" item on that menu.

A dialog box will appear. Click the Compatibility tab near the top of the dialog box.

Near the bottom of the dialog box, you will see a checkbox labelled "Run this program as an administrator". Click it to put a tick in the box.

Click the OK button.

After this, every time you start up NetObjects Fusion by doubleclicking the desktop icon you just modified, a dialog box with the words "An unidentified program wants to access your computer" will pop up. If you are currently logged into an administrator's account, click the "Allow" button to let it run with administrator rights. If you're not logged into an administrator's account, for example, because you're running in a standard user account, you'll need to enter the password for an administrator's account before the program can run with admin rights.

Note: if you are planning to start NetObjects Fusion using some other shortcut (other than using the icon on your desktop), make sure you do the above steps for that shortcut as well. Remember this: if you start up NetObjects Fusion and are not prompted by Windows with the warning mentioned earlier about an unidentified program wanting to access your computer, it means that you're starting up the program using an unmodified shortcut. If so, just quit the program and doubleclick the desktop icon that you just configured.

The first page that you will create for your website is your website's home page. This is the page that your visitors will see when they type your domain name into their web browser. For example, if you type "thesitewizard.com" (without the quotes) into your browser's location bar now and hit the ENTER key, you will see the home page for this site.

The home page of a website is like a combination of the front cover of a magazine and its contents page. Like the front cover, it should tell your visitors what they can expect to find on your website. Like the contents page, it should link to important sections of your website.

Start up NetObjects Fusion 11, if you have not already done so.

Note that if you see the initials "NOF" later in this article, it refers to "NetObjects Fusion". (Sorry, but I find it tedious to keep typing the full name.)

Somewhere near the top of the NetObjects Fusion window, you should be able to see the words "Create a New Website". Under that line, there should be a series of buttons with the text "New Blank Site", "Site Wizard" (not related to thesitewizard.com), and "Open Site from Template".

For this tutorial, we will be using the "New Blank Site" button. Don't worry. The pretty site designs displayed when you click the "Site Wizard" are still available to you when you do this, and you'll be checking them out and customising ("customizing" in US English) them later in this chapter.

Anyway, click the "New Blank Site" button for now.

A dialog box with the title "New Blank Site" will appear. Type the name of your website into the "File name" field. For example, if your website is called "Example Co", type "Example Co" or even just "Example", all without the quotes. Actually, it doesn't really matter what you type into this field. This name is merely used by NetObjects Fusion to refer to your site. It doesn't appear anywhere on your actual website.

Click the "Save" button when you have finished typing the name.

NetObjects Fusion will then open your website in "Site" view. The "Site" view gives you an overview of all the pages that you have currently created for your website. Since you haven't really created anything yet, the editor creates a nearly-empty page which it labels "Home". You should be able to see a yellow icon labelled "Home" representing this page somewhere in the window.

Locate the Page Properties panel on the right side of the NetObjects Fusion window. (See the picture below if you don't know what it looks like.) Click your mouse somewhere in the "Page title" (not "Page name") field and replace the default entry of "Home" with the name of your website. For example, if the name of your website is called "Example Co", put "Example Co" (without the quotes) into the field. You can even put a short slogan after your name if you wish. For example, if you're in the business of selling computers, you can set the Page title to "Example Co: dirt cheap computers for sale" (or maybe something less cheesy).

Page Properties panel in the Site view of NetObjects Fusion 11

Although the words in your page title are not displayed in the body of your web page, it is used by web browsers as the title of your page in either the title bar of the browser window or in the browser tab. To understand what I mean by this, look at the top of your browser window now. Don't scroll up or anything like that; just glance upwards at the top of your browser window now. You should be able to spot the words "NetObjects Fusion 11 Tutorial: How to Create a Website with NetObjects Fusion 11 (thesitewizard.com)", or at least the first portion of it, displayed either as the title of your browser window, or as the title of the browser tab (or both, depending on which browser you're using). I set the page title to those words when I wrote this article.

Another important reason to set the title is that it is used by search engines as the title for your page when it lists your site in their search results. If you leave your title set as "Home", the search engines will list your site as "Home" instead of your site's real name.

Leave the "Page name" field as it is. Instead, click the "Custom Names..." button under the "Page title" field. A dialog box with the title "Custom Names" will appear. Click your mouse somewhere in the "Banner" field, and replace "Home" with the name of your website. The words in this field will be overlayed onto a picture at the top of your home page. Don't worry if you don't know what the last sentence means at this moment. You'll see the results later. And you can still change what you enter here if you decide to use different words later.

Click the down arrow in the "File extension" field. A drop down list box will appear. Select ".html".

Click the OK button to dismiss the Custom Names dialog box.

Doubleclick the "Home" icon in the main part of the NetObjects Fusion window. Don't doubleclick the word "Home" itself, or NetObjects Fusion will think you want to change the name. Instead, doubleclick the yellow part of the icon immediately under the word "Home". This will open up your home page for you to modify.

Your home page will now appear. I suspect that some of you will probably think it looks ghastly at the moment. That's because it's just a blank page with no content with default images and colours set for some of the elements on the page. Over the course of these few chapters, you'll be customising it to (hopefully) something more to your liking.

Look at the top of the NetObjects Fusion window. Notice that there is a row of buttons in what is known as a toolbar, under the menu bar. At the moment, the "Page" button is highlighted (in orange). To the left of the "Page" button, you'll see the "Site" button, and to its right, there are buttons labelled "Style", "Assets" and "Publish".

Click the "Site" button now. Notice that this returns you to the Site view mode. Now click the "Page" button, and you'll be back on your home page. You can do this any time you want while designing your website. You will need to return to the Site view later when you create new pages for your site. Being able to return to the Site view any time you want is also useful should you have a change of heart about your page title (etc), and want to modify it.

We will deal with some of the other buttons on the toolbar, like Style and Publish Site a little later.

Look at the top of your current home page. Observe that the words you entered into the "Banner" field of the "Custom Names" dialog box are now overlayed on top of a bluish rectangular banner (image) at the top of the page. Now that you know how those words are used, if you find that the things you entered earlier are inappropriate (for example, because you were ambitious and practically entered a paragraph of text into the "Banner" field), go ahead and switch back to the Site view, click the "Custom Names" button and fix it.

On the left column of your web page, notice that there is a solitary button labelled "Home". As you add more pages to your website, the editor will automatically add more buttons below that linking to your new pages. This set of buttons in the left column is known in webmaster parlance as your website's navigation menu. Many websites have such a menu. For example, if you were to look at the left column of thesitewizard.com, including this very page you're reading, you'll see that thesitewizard.com also sports a set of buttons linking to the main sections of the site. (You may have to scroll up to see it.) Navigation menus are typically placed either in the left column, the right column, or horizontally across the top or bottom of a website. The current design places your navigation menu in the left menu, but NOF has many other designs (which you will see shortly) where the navigation menu is placed horizontally across the top of the site.

Both the appearance of the button, as well as the banner image at the top of the page are customisable.

Click the Styles button in the toolbar at the top of the NOF window.

Remember when I said earlier that the pretty site designs you can see using "Site Wizard" button are also available to you when you use the "New Blank Site" button? Well, this section of NOF allows you to switch between any of those designs. In fact, you can switch designs any time you want, even after you've designed multiple pages.

Look at the left column of NetObjects Fusion. You should be able to see a line saying "Styles Tree" at the top of that column. At present, a style called "Glasgow - Teal & Silver" should be highlighted. This is the style that your web page is currently using. To the right of that Styles Tree column, in the right column of your NOF window, you should see the images and design styles used for the "Glasgow - Teal & Silver" style.

To see a mock-up of what your web page will look like using that style, click the "Preview" tab just above the images in the right column. (For those who don't know where to look, the "Preview" tab is on the line that says "Graphic", "Selectors", "CSS Code" and "Preview" near the top of the NOF window. It should be below the few rows of toolbar buttons. See the picture below for what the row of tabs look like after you click the "Preview" button, if you still can't find it.)

Row of tabs for each style in NetObjects Fusion 11

Now, peruse through all the different styles in the Style tree. To expand a category in the Style tree, click the "+" sign beside the name. For example, if you click the "+" sign next to the "Fusion 10 SiteStyles" line in the left column, a very long list of styles belonging to that category will be displayed. Try clicking, say, the "Amalgam Blue" in the expanded list. You will again see the pictures used in that style in the right column. Click the "Preview" tab to see a mock-up of a site using the "Amalgam Blue".

Do this till you find a design that you find pleasing. Besides the "Fusion 10 SiteStyles", there are also addition styles listed in the "Fusion 9 SiteStyles" and "Classic SiteStyles". If nothing in those 3 categories suit your taste, NOF11 also provides additional "SiteStyles" online in the "NetObjects Fusion Online SiteStyles" and the "SiteStyles Volume 1 - Sample" lines, but I suspect that you will need to pay for styles in these last 2 categories if you want to use them.

Note that the styles don't have to be perfect. The various pictures, colours and fonts used in any style can be customised so as to give a unique appearance to your website.

In any case, for now, browse through the selection of "SiteStyles" and select one (by clicking on its name once).

Right click the name of the SiteStyle you want. Click the "Add to Active Styles" item in the menu that appears.

The style will appear in your list of Active SiteStyles at the top of the left column. It should be highlighted, and you are given the option to change the name if you want. (There's no need to change the name if you can't be bothered. The name is meant for internal use only, and is not displayed on your web page.)

Switch back to Page view. That is, click the "Page" button in the toolbar.

If your home page is not displayed using your new SiteStyle, look at the rightmost column of NetObjects Fusion. Along the bottom of that column, you should be able to see a row of tabs, saying "Object Tree", "Site Navigation" and "Styles Tree". (If the column is too narrow, you may only see a portion of those words, like "Object..." "Site Nav..." and "Styles T...". You can always hover your mouse pointer over the tab to see the full name.)

Click the "Styles Tree" tab. You should basically see the same thing you saw in the left column of the "Styles" tab earlier. Look for the "Active SiteStyles" section and doubleclick the name of the SiteStyle you added to that section earlier. Your page should now be displayed using that SiteStyle.

(Note: do not doubleclick any SiteStyle other than those in the Active SiteStyles section. Use the method I described earlier to add SiteStyles you want to the Active set before doubleclicking to select them. We'll be modifying the active style later in this chapter and if you don't add them to the Active SiteStyles, you may inadvertantly end up irreversibly modifying the default set of styles that come with NOF. There's no harm in this, of course, but you may regret it later if you ever want to go back to the default appearance.)

Ignore the picture used for the banner for now. We'll adjust things like the images used for that banner, the colours and background, as well as the insertion of any additional pictures you want in later chapters. For now, let's deal with the main content of your home page, that is, the things you want to say there.

Unlike word processors like Microsoft Word, or web editors designed to operate like word processors such as Dreamweaver, NetObjects Fusion requires you to add a text block onto your web page before you can type anything. In this respect, it operates a bit more like a desktop publishing program than a word processor. (If what I just said confuses you, just continue on to the next paragraph. It's meant merely as a sort of overview for people who have used things like word processors and desktop publishing software before.)

To add a text block, click the slanting blue "A" icon on the thin strip of icons somewhere below the fat toolbar that you've been using earlier to switch between the Page, Site and Style views. See the picture below where I circled the icon to see what I mean.

The text object button on the standard toolbar in NetObjects Fusion 11

(Note that I said to click the slanting blue "A" icon, not the underlined black "A" icon. If you look carefully, there are 2 "A" icons. See the picture above if you're not sure which I'm talking about.)

Your mouse cursor will immediately change from an arrow to a cross. You can now create a rectangular box on your web page to contain your text. To do this, move your mouse cursor to the top left corner of the spot on your web page where you want to begin typing your content. Then click your left mouse button and continue to hold down that button while moving the mouse diagonally downwards towards the right to create an outline of a rectangular box. Let go of the mouse button only when you've created a box of the size you want. (This operation of clicking a mouse button and then holding it down while moving the mouse is called "dragging" the mouse.) The box can be anywhere on your page you want, and any width you like. Don't be too concerned about getting its vertical height right: NetObjects Fusion will automatically lengthen the box if you have a lot to say. In fact, even if you create a box that is too wide or too narrow on the first try, you can still adjust its size later. Simply click on the "+" sign on one of the sides or corners of the box, and drag it to adjust the size of the box.

Start typing your content into the text box. If you're not sure what to write, review what I said about the things that webmasters typically put on their home page in the introduction to the home page above. You will not be able to create any links yet (since you haven't learnt how to, at this point), add pictures, change fonts, make text bold or put it in italics, etc, but you should be able to at least put a paragraph or two on what your website is about. For example, if you're selling one or more products on your website, you may want to mention these products and give a brief description of their features on this page. We will augment the things you say here with pictures and make some of the text into clickable links, etc, in later chapters. For now, just focus on your textual content.

Note: if you are having trouble thinking of something suitable to say, it may mean that you're trying too hard (and as a result, panicking yourself unnecessarily). Just type whatever comes into your head, even if those words sound terribly mundane. You can always go back later to polish your words at a later time when you're feeling more inspired (or less panicky).

Feel free to add any number of text blocks to your web page. The text blocks do not have to be contiguous. Like your initial text block, they can be positioned anywhere you wish on your page.

If you want to change something in a text block later, just move your mouse pointer so that it hovers somewhere in the middle of the text block, and doubleclick it. That will put your text cursor on that spot. You can then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cursor to the correct place in your text to adjust your words. The backspace and DEL keys on your keyboard will work the usual way to delete text you don't want.

If you want to insert a copyright notice on your web page, and don't know how to insert the copyright symbol (ie, "©"), first put your text cursor in a text block at the spot where you want the symbol to appear.

Then click "Text | Insert Symbol..." from the menu. Remember that this means that you're to click the "Text" item on the menu bar, and when a drop down menu appears, click the "Insert Symbol..." line in that menu. (Note: if you find that the "Insert Symbol..." menu item is disabled when you click the "Text" menu, it means that you did not do what I mentioned earlier, that is, to put your text cursor in a text block first.)

In the dialog box that appears, click the line that says "© Copyright Alt+Ctrl+C" with your mouse. Then click the "Insert" button at the bottom of that dialog box. The copyright symbol, ©, should immediately appear in your cursor position.

For those who are not sure about copyright issues, you may want to take a look at my article about basic copyright matters for webmasters.

If you have added a text block and later decided to delete the entire block, first click your mouse pointer somewhere outside the block. (For example, click an empty space on your web page, or click a different text block.) Then click the text block you want to delete, once. (Do not doubleclick, or you'll place your text cursor into the box. Click it only once to select the entire block.) Then hit the DEL key on your keyboard. This will remove the text block.

Note that this same sequence can be used to delete other types of blocks or objects on your web page as well. For example, if you want to delete the default NetObjects Fusion button/icon that NOF places at the bottom of your web page, you can simply click it once to select it, and hit the DEL key.

Once you've finished adding your text, save your entire page. To do this, click "File | Save Site".

At this point, you will learn how to transfer your web page to your web host so that it appears on your website on the Internet. This process of transferring your files from your computer to your web host's computer is known as "uploading" (the technical name) or "publishing" (the layperson's name). It is an important step in website creation, since without it, you haven't actually created a website, just a document on your computer.

I'm sure many of you are probably protesting, "Hold on, my website is not ready yet." I realise that. However, you needn't worry that some random stranger is going to drop by your website out of the blue to gawk at your unfinished page. If you have only just bought your domain name, and have not advertised it or told anyone about it, no one will even know it exists. Getting visitors to your website isn't as easy as you think.

Publishing your web page early in the process familiarises you with all the stages of the creation of a website. It gives you a better understanding of what's involved, and allows you to solve teething problems (for example, with your web host and domain registrar) at an early stage when nothing is at stake yet (since your site isn't really ready). If you wait till your entire site is ready before uploading, and then find that your web host has not set things up for you properly, or that you forgot to do something important like point your domain to your website, you'll have to waste even more time fixing these problems at a time when your site is already complete and ready to launch.

Another advantage of publishing at an early stage is so that you can actually check your web page on the Internet with a real web browser. Do not assume that your web page will appear the way it does in NetObjects Fusion. The latter is merely a web editor. Its raison d'être is the creation of a web page, not the display of one. To see how your web page really appears and functions on the Internet, you'll need to test it on the Internet in a browser.

In any case, I'll assume in the rest of this tutorial series that you have performed the steps given below here. If you decide to skip them, you may find that some things don't work the same way as I describe.

Click the "Publish Site" (not the "Publish") button on your toolbar. It's one of the big buttons in the topmost toolbar.

A dialog box with a title of "Publish Site" will appear. At the top of the dialog box, you should be able to see a field labelled "Publish files to". Click the pencil icon next to the default selection of "Local Publish" for that field.

A new dialog box entitled "Publish Settings" will appear. Click the "New" button on that dialog box.

The "Details" section in the bottom half of the dialog box should now be populated with a new profile. Click to put your text cursor somewhere in the "Profile Name" field. Replace the default words of "FTP Publish" with the name of your website. For example, put "Example Co" (or "example.com"), without the quotes, into the field, if that is the name of your website.

Although this step is optional, it's a good idea to do it anyway. At this time, you only have one website, so a name like "FTP Publish" for this profile is unambiguous, since you know it's for your current website. However, what happens if you create more websites in the future? It's easy to lose track of which profile is for which website if you don't name those profiles with sensible names that you can recognise later. Anyway, it's just for your convenience and sanity later.

You will now need to enter your FTP address into the "Server" field. When you signed up with your web host, you were probably sent an email by your host with a whole bunch of details about your web hosting account. Among these will be information about your FTP account. FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol", and it is the method which NetObjects Fusion will use to transfer your web pages to your web host's computer ("web server"). In order for it to transfer those pages, it needs to know the FTP address of your website. You should be able to find the FTP address (sometimes also called "FTP server" or "FTP hostname" by web hosts) in the email you received from your web host. Enter this FTP address into the "Server" field.

Note that there's no way to guess what your FTP address is. If you can't find this information from the email sent to you by your web host, you'll need to ask them. Different web hosts provide different FTP server addresses: for example, some assign you an FTP address of "ftp.example.com" (where "example.com" is your domain name). Others say that your FTP address is your domain name itself (like "example.com"). Still others give you a name completely different from your domain name. In other words, don't waste your time guessing.

The next field that you'll need to complete is the one labelled "Directory". This refers the folder where your website's files are to be placed. Web servers are designed in such a way that they will only display your web pages if they are located in specific folders (directories). This is a security measure (among other things) designed to protect the other files on your account (eg your email) from prying eyes.

Like the FTP address, this is information that only your web host knows. You can usually find this information in the same place where your FTP server address is given.

If your web host tells you to upload to a folder called "www", put "www" (without the quotes) into the "Directory" field. If they say to use a subdirectory called "public_html", type that into the "Directory" field, again without the quotes. If they say to simply upload your files into the default directory you see when you connect by FTP, leave the field blank. And so on.

Note that you must use the name exactly as provided by your web host. If they say to upload your files to "public_html", make sure you don't type "Public_html" or "PUBLIC_HTML" into the directory field. For those who can't tell the difference between the names, observe that they have different cases. Always assume that case is significant on the Internet. This also applies to the filenames of your web pages.

Failure to put the correct information in the Directory field is a common reason why you can't see your web pages in your web browser even after you publish them.

Enter your FTP user name (also known as "FTP login name" by some web hosts) and password into the fields provided in the dialog box. Again, if you can't find this information in the email sent to you by your web host, you'll have to ask them.

Enter your website's address into the "Live URL" field. For example, if your domain name is "example.com", your website's address is probably "http://www.example.com" (without the quotes) or "http://example.com" (without the quotes), or, more likely, both. It depends on whether your web host has set up your site to use the "www" form or not. If they have, you can use either the "www.example.com" form or the "example.com" form, depending on your preference. It doesn't really matter which you choose. Just choose one and stick with it.

As you type your address, a tick will be placed into the checkbox for "Create a site map for search engines". Leave the field checked. For the curious, this does not refer to the human-readable Site Map that you see on thesitewizard.com and other sites, but a special sitemap specially crafted for search engines.

Click the "Test Connection" button. If you've entered your FTP particulars correctly, you will get a message box with the title "Connection Tested" and a message "Connection to host successful". Click the OK button.

If you get an error message instead, go back and check that the "Server", "User Name" and "Password" fields are correct. You should probably also check that the "Directory" is correct. (I'm not sure if the "Test Connection" function really checks the correctness of "Directory", but since your connection failed, check everything.)

If everything succeeds, click the "Close" button. You should be returned to the "Publish Site" dialog box that you saw earlier.

Click the "Publish" button.

NetObjects Fusion will connect to your website and upload your web page and associated files. A dialog box entitled "Publishing Site" will appear, giving you the status of the upload. When it is finished, the editor will open your web browser with the address you entered in the "Live URL" field.

If your web browser loads, but you do not get the page that you've just designed, it could mean one of two things.

If you got a "Domain not found" or "No DNS for www.example.com" (or whatever your domain name is), it probably means that you have only just bought your domain name. It takes time (usually 2 or more days) for a new domain name to be recognised around the world. If this is the message you received, or you got words to that effect, just be patient and try again later.

If you see the default web page that your web host installed on your account, instead of the page you designed, or if you get a 404 File Not Found error, it probably means that you entered the wrong folder into the "Directory" field for your FTP server earlier. If so, click the "Publish Site" button on the toolbar, followed by the pencil icon as before. This should bring up the dialog box you saw earlier, allowing you to change the Directory field to the correct one.

Otherwise, if you did not receive any errors, but instead saw your web page, congratulations! You've successfully created your first web page using NetObjects Fusion 11. Yes, I know that there's still work to be done, but you've actually overcome two of the biggest hurdles a newcomer faces when creating a website (designing your first page, and uploading it).

In the next chapter, you will learn how to change the banner or logo for your site, add pictures and change the colours of certain portions of your web page.

Note: I'm currently in the process of writing the next chapter of this tutorial. If you want to be notified when the chapter is ready, please subscribe to my news feed. Don't worry, it's free, and no email address is needed. All you need is your web browser. Alternatively, you can check the "What's New" column of the home page of thesitewizard.com for the announcement of the next chapter.

Copyright © 2010 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
Get more free tips and articles like this, on web design, promotion, revenue and scripting, from http://www.thesitewizard.com/.

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NetObjects Fusion 11 Tutorial: How to Create a Website with NetObjects Fusion 11

Copyright © 2010 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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Last updated: 29 November 2010.

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PrestaShop 1.3.3 themes available now

PrestaShop 1.3.3 (also known as is now available for download from PrestaShop.com.

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Older PrestaShop themes may not be 100% compatible with PrestaShop 1.3.3 and may cause problems if used without modifications.  Make sure you get themes that are specifically designed for PrestaShop 1.3.3.

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15 Interesting, Funny And Really Strange Websites

Searching for these strange, funny, and interesting websites is really fun. I spent hours using all of the search engines in the known universe and I chose these among the many because they’re unique.

I know that many of you guys are stressed or bored (or stressed and bored), that’s why you should check the following and let your mind be blown away!

Are you ready?

Upon learning that Padme is dead, Darth Vader ended the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith with a heartbreaking, anti-climatic “Nooooooooo!”
Well, this website will be of much use someday when you learn something very troubling…like being permanently banned from Google Ads. “Press in dire situations”

Are you not sure if it is Tuesday? Visit this site to be certain, it bears the truth!

It is said that bubble wraps can calm even the most angered soul in hell. You’d be lying if you say that you’ve never, ever, snapped a single bubble! Although the feel and sound of this is not like the real one, at least there’s an alternative to it during bubble wrap scarcity right?

Deceive your friends to know the person of their dreams! Shame it worked on me once. *laughs*

This one I found at Reddit.com over a year ago. There’s a little charm in this website that made me share it with people I know and before I know it they’re all imitating what Zombocom is repeatedly saying. What is Zombocom? Click and know! I provided the script below in hopes that, one day, I’ll be hearing you say it too. *laugns*

I don’t know how to take a better screenshot for this because the site only has a banner and several circles, inches apart. Not quite a good use of white space.

The booming voice, like an evil genie, repeatedly says: “This is zombocom, and welcome to you who have come to zombocom! Anything is possible at zombocom. You can do anything at zombocom. The infinite is possible at zombocom. The unattainable is unknown at zombocom. Welcome to zombocom, this is zombocom!”

Do not lie to yourself and take this test only ONCE! Taking it twice suggests that you doubt yourself, ha!  Some things are not suitable for children like the following words…you actually thought I’m posting them here? *laughs* (Yes, I love laughing)

Surprise your friends with a worldwide sensation: You! Just upload your photo and wait until it is processed then send it to your friends and see their reactions! Although I don’t understand the language (I think it’s one of Switzerland’s languages) you won’t get lost because there are only two options to choose from at a given time. The photo I uploaded is a real sensation in his country. *laughs*

Enter a mobile phone number and let The Mobile Tracker do the job. Very surprising technology!

Bumblebee is in trouble, who’s he gonna call? Not ghost busters but you! Help him using your webcam.

Oh the good and the bad memories when IE6 was still walking with us compiled in this website to express users’ and developers’ sorrow and delight.

One must not speak ill of the dead so I’ll say “Nice try!”

Into piano but you don’t own one yet?  Easy, with Virtual Piano all you need is a computer with an internet connection and you’re good to go. Who knows, a Bach might be inside of you all along.

This chat AI really knows how to respond to things most of the time, it gets too clever it creeps me out of my skin!

This one’s purpose is already known but it is still very strange. The guy in the photo, Win Butler, is singing Neon Bible. Not only that the song is sort of creepy, you can actually interact with him by clicking the hands and eyes (creepy effect, I’d say!). This can be inspiring in terms of how you can do promotions. I find this one very creative.

This is the first mysterious website I’ve seen, and from there on I started searching the internet for answers on what is inside. I stumbled upon a discussion board where a poster mentioned that he, allegedly, actually paid $100 for the chance of getting access and several months later the poster received an e-mail with a unique link to a section of the website. The e-mail said that they will give no answer to what Hell.com is about, that there may be no answer at all.

According to other people Hell.com is a place where artists meet. But let’s end the speculation here and I’ll shed some light, at least in an interview which can be read here: Click!

Over time the flash at Hell.com changes, before this maze-like logo there was an ominous vampire-like eyes. You can use the WayWayBack Machine to see the changes over the past several months.

If there is Hell.com there’s also Heaven.com. There is a question in the homepage asking “Where is Heaven?” and it bears the promise to notify subscribers when Heaven comes to Earth. The screenshot below is taken after I subscribed. One question remains about the answer is, where’s the farthest reaches of the North?

I guess there’s only one way to find out, so I subscribed. Further research about Heaven.com only led to spiritual websites about Heaven.

I wish you had fun with all (or at least some) of the websites I featured. It’s your turn to share!

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